Introducing nuts machine
Unique machine for serving a portion of fresh & hot nuts
Nuts vending machine
With payment system
65 grams portion
After payment and choosing container on the screen machine will dispense around 65g of fresh & warm nuts.
Mini nuts vending machine
With payment system
50 grams portion
With our mobile app, user will have to scan QR code in front of desired container. After they are done buying, they will be charged from their credit card based on number of scanning.
Nuts dispenser machine
Without payment system
40 grams portion
By pulling the handle machine will dispense around 40g of fresh & warm nuts.
Places where hot nuts are already served
Companies, gym and coworkings that are already on nuts
What makes our nuts mix special?
Ingredients equality
We proudly stand for each nuts equality in our mix.
Hot Nuts mixes were founded as a fight for nuts equality in products that call them self a mix of nuts.
OK, we all love peanuts but we love almonds more and we want them equally present in nuts mix.
Free Trial
You'll get the machine and 4kg of nuts. Free trail expires when you eat all the nuts and it wouldn't take long.
You can reach us on our new website -